





July 8, 2014


1. 7:00 pm - Call meeting to order 

2. Approve minutes from June 10 and June 23, 2014 meetings. 

3.  Business: 

     * City well 

     * Performance seed 

     * Lola Roseth, Haakon Co. Emergency Manager 

4. Utility Operator’s Report 

5.  Payment of Bills 

6. Adjournment

                                             Michelle Meinzer    

                                              Finance Office


July 8, 2014
The Town Board of the Town of Midland met in regular session on Tuesday, July 8, 2014 at 7:05 PM in the Town Hall with the following members present:  Diana Baeza, Jared Fosheim, Rock Gillaspie, Finance Officer Michelle Meinzer and Utilities Operator Lawrence Stroppel.
Also present:  Lola Roseth, Haakon County Emergency Manager, Ken Standiford and Angie Doolittle
Minutes from the June 10 and June 23, 2014 meetings were approved as published.
Roseth met with the Board to discuss her role as Emergency Manager.  We discussed recent disasters in SD and the role that the Emergency Manager takes in this event.  Roseth recommended that the Town of Midland choose a public information officer (PIO).  This person would be the one who would represent the Board and talk to the media in case of an emergency.  Baeza was chosen as the PIO for the Town of Midland.
Discussed city well.  The Town of Midland received a $ 10,000.00 project assistance grant from West River Water Development District (WRWDD) as well as $ 515,000.00 of Urgent Need Funding from the Community Development Block Grant program. The SD Community Foundation – Midland Community also awarded the Town with a grant in the amount of $ 3,000.00.  The plugging of the well will be put up for bid and the monies awarded will be used for engineering costs as well as the actual plugging.
Deposits made for the hot water heat will be refunded at our next regular meeting.
A motion was made by Fosheim, second by Gillaspie to approve the following resolution.
          * RESOLUTION # 2014-09
Whereas, it is the Town of Midland’s firm belief that discrimination in housing not only threatens the rights and privileges of the citizens of the municipality but also menaces the institutions and foundations of free and democratic society; and
Whereas, this body desires to give meaning to the guarantees of equal rights contained in the Constitution and laws of this State and the United States and to encourage and bring about mutual self-respect and understanding among all citizens and groups in the Town of Midland and,
Whereas, under the federal fair housing, (Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968), it is illegal to deny housing to any person because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin; and,
Therefore, be it resolved the Town of Midland, South Dakota, makes a firm commitment to do all within its power to eliminate prejudice, intolerance, disorder and discrimination in housing.
Therefore, be it also resolved that the Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity logo will be displayed at the Midland Municipal Building, Midland, SD.
Therefore, be it also resolved that the following procedures will be used to accomplish the purpose of the aforementioned resolution:

1.             The Town of Midland shall inform all municipality employees of the municipality’s commitment to equal housing.
2.             The Town of Midland shall direct all employees to forward immediately to the Town Board President any reports they receive of housing discrimination.
3.             The Town Board President shall forward such complaints to the South Dakota Division of Human Rights within 10 days of receipt to said complaint.
Adopted this 8th day of July, 2014.


Diana Baeza, Town Board President
Town of Midland
Attest: __________________________________________    
                Michelle Meinzer, Finance Officer
Town of Midland
Fosheim made a motion, second by Gillaspie to adopt the following which are on file for viewing in the Finance Office.  1. Equal Opportunity Policy Statement 2. Relocation, Displacement, and Acquisition Plan
3. Certification Regarding Restrictions on Lobbying 4. Equal Employment Opportunity Policy  
5. Excessive Force Policy 6. O & M Plan (Operation and Maintenance Plan) 7.  Code of Conduct Policy.  All plans and agreements were adopted unanimously.  Motions carried.
Discussed the water hookup for Performance Seed. Easements are needed in order to move forward with this project.
Stroppel gave his Utility operator report.  Topics discussed were drainage at the park, designated truck route needing additional signs, culvert repair finished, street repairs – gravel received, televising and vacuuming of sewer line results, and spraying for mosquitoes.
 A motion was made by Gillaspie, second by Fosheim to transfer $ 30,000.00 from the General fund to the Water fund.
Discussed dogs running loose and disturbing the peace.  Letters will be sent out reminding residents of Town Ordinance on this matter.
A motion was made by Gillaspie, second by Fosheim to approve the following claims:
BankWest Insurance                          Bond Renewal                                                        $ 600.00
Lawrence Stroppel                              Wages/insurance/vehicle/phone                           3177.71
Michelle Meinzer                                 Wages/ phone/mileage/deeds/postage               809.36
Electronic Federal Tax Payment System        Employee Tax                                         1376.42
Ernie’s                                                    Supplies                                                                       610.29
Golden West                                         Phone/Internet                                                           157.57
Heartland Waste                                  Refuse Service                                                        1260.00
Jerry’s Blade Service                           Gravel                                                                           407.78
Mid-American Research Chemical    Supplies                                                                                      962.71
Midland Food & Fuel                        Fuel                                                                               490.08
O’Connell Construction                     Gravel                                                                           255.04

Pioneer Review                                    Publications                                                                 160.14
Postmaster                                            Stamps                                                                            98.00
SD Dept. of Revenue                          Lab fees                                                                                        393.00
SD Retirement System                       Retirement                                                                    493.44
SD State Treasurer                              Sales Tax                                                                         92.40
USA BlueBook                                     Supplies                                                                         237.69
WR/LJ Rural Water                             Water Supply                                                              1218.75
G & A Trenching                                  Repairs                                                                          720.00
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned.
_______________________________________  _____________________________________________
Michelle Meinzer, Finance Officer                            Diana Baeza, President     
Published once at the approximate cost of ___________.


August 12, 2014
1. 7:00 pm - Call meeting to order 
2. Approve minutes from July 8, 13 and 29, 2014 meetings. 
3.  Business: 
     * City well 
     * Budget 
     * Temporary Beer License Request 
4. Utility Operator’s Report 
5.  Payment of Bills 
6. Adjournment  
                                                            Michelle Meinzer
                                                             Finance Officer



August 12, 2014

The Town Board of the Town of Midland met in regular session on Tuesday, August 12, 2014 at 7:00 PM in the Town Hall with the following members present:  Diana Baeza, Jared Fosheim, Rock Gillaspie, Finance Officer Michelle Meinzer and Utilities Operator Lawrence Stroppel. 
Also present:  Marjorie Iwan 
Minutes from the July 8, July 13 and July 29, 2014 meetings were approved as published. 
Board discussed progress on plugging of geothermal well.  A pre-bid meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 20 at 10:00 am MT in the Town Hall. All potential bidders are encouraged to attend this conference.  Bids will be opened at a special meeting on September 3, 2014 at 2:00 pm MT. 
The Town Board of Midland and employees would like to thank all who have helped in any way with our geothermal well and the Town being awarded a Community Block Development Grant.  Our thanks to the Governor and all at the Governor’s Office; all that work for the State of SD - Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources; Central SD Enhancement District – Marlene Knutson and other employees;  West River Water Development District; Midland Volunteer Fire Department; Midland Fire District; Midland Community Development; Safety Benefits – SD Public Assurance Alliance; Jerry Wattier – Riter, Rogers, Wattier & Northrup, LLP; Banner Associates, Inc.; along with our community for having patience with us while we are working towards getting this well under control.  If I have omitted anyone it was not my intention as all have played an important role in this project. 
Board discussed options for heating the fire hall. 
Midland Appreciation Day will be held on September 20, 2014.  The Midland Fire Department has requested a temporary beer license for this day.  A hearing will be held at our Board meeting in September for this license. 
Finance Officer presented a budget.   A motion was made by Fosheim, second by Gillaspie to approve the proposed budget.  Motion carried. 
Discussed the water hookup for Performance Seed. Easements are needed in order to move forward with this project. Utilities Operator will contact surveyor. 
Stroppel gave his Utility operator report.  Topics discussed were park repairs, repairs needed on Ash Street, mowing, Safety Benefits survey, results from cleaning and televising of sewer lines, need for cold mix for streets, water tank, water billing and insurance. 
A motion was made by Gillaspie, second by Fosheim to order 7-8 ton cold mix from Morris, Inc..  Motion carried. 
A motion was made by Fosheim, second by Gillaspie to approve the following claims: 
 A-1 Sewer & Drain                              Clean/Televise Sewer Lines                               $ 8904.00 
Dakota Mill & Grain                           Chemicals                                                                   165.00 
Lawrence Stroppel                              Wages/insurance/vehicle/phone/postage         2696.92 
Michelle Meinzer                                 Wages/ phone /postage                                            696.51 
Electronic Federal Tax Payment System        Employee Tax                                         1091.77 

Ernie’s                                                    Supplies                                                                       321.61 
Golden West                                         Phone/Internet                                                           151.59 
Heartland Waste                                  Refuse Service                                                        1260.00 
Lyle Signs                                              Signs                                                                              531.11 
Midland Food & Fuel                         Fuel                                                                               198.01 
Pioneer Review                                    Publications                                                                 151.41 
Riter, Rogers, Wattier & Northrup     Attorney Fee                                                              1440.00 
SD One Call                                          Message Fee                                                                     1.11 
SD Retirement System                       Retirement                                                                    401.96 
SD State Treasurer                              Sales Tax                                                                         92.40 
State Flag Account                              Flags                                                                               113.71 
Summit Supply                                    Park Supplies                                                                196.00                           
USA BlueBook                                     Supplies                                                                         838.74 
West Central Electric                           Electric Supply                                                           1758.48 
WR/LJ Rural Water                             Water Supply                                                              2026.25 
Midland Food & Fuel                         Hot Water Heat Dep. Refund                                    150.00 
Ken Standiford                                    Hot Water Heat Dep. Refund                                    150.00 
Reuben Vollmer Jr.                               Hot Water Heat Dep. Refund                                    150.00 
Brenda Jensen                                      Hot Water Heat Dep. Refund                                    150.00 
A & A Tire                                              Hot Water Heat Dep. Refund                                    150.00 
Aaron & Angie Doolittle                     Hot Water Heat Dep. Refund                                    150.00 
Mike Stroppel                                       Hot Water Heat Dep. Refund                                    150.00 
Jim Petoske                                           Hot Water Heat Dep. Refund                                    300.00 
Lawrence Stroppel                              Hot Water Heat Dep. Refund                                    150.00 
Dustin Vollmer                                      Hot Water Heat Dep. Refund                                    150.00 
Trinity Lutheran Church                    Hot Water Heat Dep. Refund                                    150.00 
Tyler Nemec                                         Hot Water Heat Dep. Refund                                    150.00
Bertha DeLaRosa                                               Hot Water Heat & Water Dep. Refund                     225.00 
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned.
_______________________________________  _______________________________________

Michelle Meinzer, Finance Officer                            Diana Baeza, President      



July 8, 2014
1. 7:00 pm - Call meeting to order 
2. Approve minutes from June 10 and June 23, 2014 meetings. 
3.  Business: 
     * City well 
     * Performance seed 
     * Lola Roseth, Haakon Co. Emergency Manager  
4. Utility Operator’s Report   
5.  Payment of Bills 
6. Adjournment 

                                                            Michelle Meinzer 
                                                            Finance Officer 

September 8, 2014
The Town Board of the Town of Midland met in regular session on Monday, September 8 at 7:00 PM in the Town Hall with the following members present:  Diana Baeza, Jared Fosheim, Rock Gillaspie, Finance Officer Michelle Meinzer and Utilities Operator Lawrence Stroppel. 
Also present:  Marjorie Iwan
Minutes from the August 12, August 20 and September 3, 2014 meetings were approved as published.
Board discussed progress on plugging of geothermal well.  Fosheim made a motion, second by Gillaspie to award the bid to Weston Engineering contingent on subcontractors being registered and in good standing with SAMS.gov (System for Award Management).  Motion carried.
Discussed water hookup to Performance Seed.
Midland Appreciation Day will be held on September 20, 2014.  The Midland Fire Department has requested a beer license for this day.  A hearing was held with no one opposing this temporary license.  A motion was made by Gillaspie, second by Fosheim to approve this license.  Motion carried with stipulation that it is policed.
A motion was made by Fosheim, second by Gillaspie to increase the tax levy.  The amount was increased by using the growth in the Town of Midland and the CPI.  The General Fund request will be $ 17867.65 and the Fire Protection levy will be $ 500.00.  Total levy:  $ 18,166.69. 
Discussed recent survey with Safety Benefits. 
Stroppel gave his Utility operator report.  Topics discussed were park repairs, repairs needed on Ash Street, tree limb disposal, heat in fire hall, sewer lines, and culvert cleanout. 
Hometown Tour will be held in Midland on Wednesday, Sept. 17.
A motion was made by Gillaspie, second by Fosheim to approve Utility Operator ordering a hydrant meter which will be used to flush water mains.  Motion carried.
A motion was made by Gillaspie, second by Fosheim to approve the following claims:
A & A Tire & Repair                            Repairs                                                                  $     49.32
Banner Associates, Inc.                      Engineering Fees                                                   12812.38
Lawrence Stroppel                              Wages/insurance/vehicle/phone/postage         2701.63
Michelle Meinzer                                 Wages/phone/supplies/mileage/filing fee           760.05                                      
Electronic Federal Tax Payment System        Employee Tax                                        1091.77
Ernie’s                                                    Supplies                                                                       173.67
First National Bank                             Checks                                                                         159.75
G & A Trenching                                  Repairs                                                                        270.00
Golden West                                         Phone/Internet                                                           151.67
HD Supply                                            Supplies                                                                       662.58
Heartland Waste                                  Refuse Service                                                        1314.00
Kadoka Oil                                           Propane                                                                     1490.00
Midland Food & Fuel                         Fuel                                                                               163.05
Morris, Inc.                                           Cold Mix                                                                                   1566.60
Pioneer Review                                    Publications                                                                 179.94
Postmaster                                            Stamps                                                                           98.00
Riter, Rogers, Wattier & Northrup     Attorney Fee                                                                165.00
SD Dept. of Revenue                          Lab Fees                                                                                       202.00
SD One Call                                          Message Fee                                                                     2.22
SD Retirement System                       Retirement                                                                    401.96
SD State Treasurer                              Sales Tax                                                                         96.36
US Postal Service                                 Envelopes                                                                     276.95                           
USA BlueBook                                     Supplies                                                                         379.95
West Central Electric                           Electric Supply                                                             888.28
WR/LJ Rural Water                             Water Supply                                                              1752.50
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned. 
_______________________________________  _____________________________________________
Michelle Meinzer, Finance Officer                            Diana Baeza, President     

July 13, 2014
1. 5:00 PM - Call meeting to order 
2.  Banner Engineering Contract  
3. Adjournment
                                                    Finance Officer


September 3, 2014
A special meeting for the Town of Midland’s Well #3 Abandonment Project was held on Wednesday, September 03, 2014, at 2:00 pm in the Town Hall. 
Those in attendance were: Town Board President Diana Baeza, Utility Operator Lawrence Stroppel, Finance Officer Michelle Meinzer, David LaFrance, Banner Associates, Inc.; Jerry Hunt – Weston Engineering; Marlene Knutson and Emeline Post, Central South Dakota Enhancement District and Reuben Vollmer Jr. 
Board President opened the bid. No action taken due to lack of quorum. 
_______________________________________    __________________________________________________        
Michelle Meinzer, Finance Officer                                Diana Baeza, President     


October 14, 2014
1. 7:00 pm - Call meeting to order 
2. Approve minutes from September 8, 2014 meetings. 
3.  Business: 
     * Geothermal well 
     * Performance Seed 
     * Museum 
     * Ash Street 
4. Utility Operator’s Report 
5.  Payment of Bills 
6. Adjournment
                                                             Michelle Meinzer 
                                                            Finance Officer

October 14, 2014
The Town Board of the Town of Midland met in regular session on Tuesday, October 14, 2014 at 7:00 PM in the Town Hall with the following members present:  Diana Baeza, Jared Fosheim, Rock Gillaspie, Finance Officer Michelle Meinzer and Utilities Operator Lawrence Stroppel. 
Also present:  George Anderson
Minutes from the September 8, 2014 meetings were approved as published.
Anderson met with the Board to discuss the Midland Museum.  Anderson requested ideas regarding more community involvement.  All input is needed by the spring of 2015 opening.
Discussed work done on Ash Street.  This fall more gravel will be laid and a peak formed with final work scheduled for 2015.
Discussed water hookup to Performance Seed.  Mr. Sturgis will be contacted.
Discussed geothermal well.  Special meeting, conducted by Banner Engineering, was held on Tuesday, October 14, 2014 at 10:00 am.   Minutes are available from this meeting at the Finance Office. The notice to proceed was signed by all parties.  Work will begin on October 27, 2014.  Fences will be put up on the south side of the east building.  It will be necessary to use the parking lot and driveway south of the auditorium for the duration of this project.
The Town Board would like to thank West Central Electric for their prompt removal of the light pole and wiring at our well site.
Board President was contacted by a railroad employee regarding the highway 63 crossing pad at mile marker 533.7.  It is in need of repairs.  Trustee Fosheim will be contacting  SD DOT.
Stroppel gave his Utility operator report.  Topics discussed were water meters, drainage along streets, closing of park bathrooms for the season, and exercising of water valves and hydrants completed. 
A motion was made by Gillaspie, second by Fosheim to approve the following claims:
American Legal Publishing                                Updates                                                                 $   317.00
Banner Associates, Inc.                      Engineering Fees                                                     7084.08
City of Fort Pierre                                                Street Repairs                                                          1318.11
Diana Baeza                                        Postage                                                                            8.61
Lawrence Stroppel                              Wages/insurance/vehicle/phone                        3177.71
Michelle Meinzer                                 Wages/phone/supplies/mileage/filing fee          693.85                       
Electronic Federal Tax Payment System        Employee Tax                                        1376.42
Ernie’s                                                    Supplies                                                                      369.24
Golden West                                         Phone/Internet                                                          151.67
Heartland Waste                                  Refuse Service                                                       1332.00
MidAmerican Research Chemical   Supplies                                                                      902.80
Marshall Lawn Irrigation                   Sprinkler Winterization                                            105.00
Midland Food & Fuel                         Fuel                                                                             419.00
Midland School Booster Club           Calendar/Listings                                                                       11.00
Pioneer Review                                    Publications                                                                   66.36
Riter, Rogers, Wattier & Northrup     Attorney Fee                                                                300.00
SD Dept. of Revenue                          Lab Fees                                                                                       148.00
SD One Call                                          Message Fee                                                                     7.77
SD Retirement System                       Retirement                                                                    493.44
SD State Treasurer                              Sales Tax                                                                         97.68                            
USA BlueBook                                     Supplies                                                                       1730.41
West Central Electric                           Electric Supply                                                             908.50
WR/LJ Rural Water                             Water Supply                                                              1208.75
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned. 
_______________________________________  _____________________________________________
Michelle Meinzer, Finance Officer                            Diana Baeza, President     



November 11, 2014
1. 7:00 pm - Call meeting to order 
2. Approve minutes from October 14, 2014 meeting. 
3.  Business: 
     * City well 
     * Performance Seed 
     * Liquor License Renewals 
     * Park
 4. Utility Operator’s Report
 5.  Payment of Bills
 6. Adjournment

                                                            Michelle Meinzer 
                                                            Finance Officer

November 11, 2014
The Town Board of the Town of Midland met in regular session on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 at 7:00 PM in the Town Hall with the following members present:  Diana Baeza, Jared Fosheim, Rock Gillaspie, Finance Officer Michelle Meinzer and Utilities Operator Lawrence Stroppel. 
Also present:  Brenda Jensen
Minutes from the October 14, 2014 meetings were approved as published.
A hearing was held on the renewal of the Town of Midland’s liquor licenses.  No one opposed these renewals.  Gillaspie made a motion, second by Fosheim to approve the Town’s licenses.  Motion carried.
Discussed increasing the liquor license lease.   A motion was made by Fosheim, second by Gillaspie to re-instate the lease of $200.00 per month which was reduced several years ago to $100.00. This will be effective in January 2015.  Motion carried. 
Discussed progress on city well.  Work has begun and plugging is in progress.
Discussed Performance Seed water lines.
Discussed recommendations from Insurance Company regarding the city park. Playground equipment was removed and other work needs to be done as well.
Finance Officer received notice from Lola Roseth, Haakon County Emergency Manager, informing the Town of her resignation effective December 8th, 2014.  The Town Board and employees would like to thank Roseth for her guidance and community service through the years. 
Stroppel gave his Utility operator report.  Topics discussed were water meters, streets, heating and work done for winterizing at Fire Hall and the Library. 
A motion was made by Gillaspie, second by Fosheim to approve the following claims:
Banner Associates, Inc.                      Engineering Fees                                                $ 3015.34
Banyon Data Systems                       Annual Support                                                       795.00
Electronic Federal Tax Payment System        Employee Tax                                        1091.77
Lawrence Stroppel                              Wages/insurance/vehicle/phone/postage       2696.33
Michelle Meinzer                                 Wages/phone/mileage/filing fee                           745.55                                     
Ernie’s                                                    Supplies                                                                     405.06
Golden West                                         Phone/Internet                                                         151.27
Heartland Waste                                  Refuse Service                                                      1296.00
Midland Food & Fuel                         Fuel                                                                               94.00
Pioneer Review                                    Publications                                                                 48.01
Postmaster                                            Stamps                                                                         98.00
SDML Workers’ Comp. Fund            Workers’ Compensation                                        1208.00
SD Municipal League                         Dues                                                                            152.75
SD Assn. of Code Enforcement        Dues                                                                               40.00
SD Governmental Finance Officers’ Assn.              Membership                                         40.00
SD Governmental Human Resources Assn.          Membership                                          25.00 

SD Municipal Liquor Control Assn. Membership                                                                  25.00
SD Municipal Street Maintenance Assn.         Membership                                                  35.00
SD One Call                                          Message Fee                                                                     2.22
SD Retirement System                       Retirement                                                                    401.96
SD State Treasurer                              Sales Tax                                                                         95.04                            
USA BlueBook                                     Supplies                                                                       1521.47
US Postal Service                                 Envelopes                                                                       28.05
WR/LJ Rural Water                             Water Supply                                                              1083.75
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned. 
_______________________________________  _____________________________________________
Michelle Meinzer, Finance Officer                            Diana Baeza, President     



December 9, 2014
1. 7:00 pm - Call meeting to order 
2. Approve minutes from November 11, 2014 meeting. 
3.  Business: 
     * Geothermal well 
     * City Insurance Renewal 
4. Utility Operator’s Report 
5.  Payment of Bills 
6. Adjournment 
                                                            Michelle Meinzer 
                                                            Finance Officer



December 9, 2014

The Town Board of the Town of Midland met in regular session on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 at 7:00 PM in the Town Hall with the following members present:  Diana Baeza, Jared Fosheim, Rock Gillaspie, Finance Officer Michelle Meinzer and Utilities Operator Lawrence Stroppel. 
Also present:  Marjorie Iwan
Minutes from the November 11, 2014 meetings were approved as published.
Discussed progress on the city well.  Well has been plugged and finishing work is in progress.
Discussed South Dakota Public Assurance Alliance insurance.  A motion was made by Gillaspie, second by Fosheim to have Finance Officer send in paperwork for the Town’s renewal.
Stroppel gave his Utility operator report.  Topics discussed were water tank, water loss, heating systems and health insurance.  Water conference is in Pierre on January 13 and 14 which Stroppel will attend.
Complaints have been received on the number of cats in the city limits.  Baeza will contact the Haakon County Sheriff regarding this problem.
A motion was made by Gillaspie, second by Fosheim to approve the following claims:
American Water Works Assn.            Membership                                                         $ 221.00
Banner Associates, Inc.                      Engineering Fees                                                    5006.42
Electronic Federal Tax Payment System        Employee Tax                                        1091.77
Lawrence Stroppel                              Wages/insurance/vehicle/phone                         2687.38
Michelle Meinzer                                 Wages/phone                                                            693.85                                     
Ernie’s                                                    Supplies                                                                     256.85
Golden West                                         Phone/Internet                                                         152.07
Heartland Waste                                  Refuse Service                                                      1296.00
Mid-American Research Chemical  Supplies                                                                      917.40
Midland Food & Fuel                         Fuel                                                                             423.05
Pioneer Review                                    Publications                                                                 40.61
SD DENR                                                              Recertification                                                            12.00
SD Dept. of Revenue                          Lab Fees                                                                                     189.00
SD One Call                                          Message Fee                                                                   2.22
SD Retirement System                       Retirement                                                                 401.96
SD State Treasurer                              Sales Tax                                                                      95.04
West Central Electric                           Electric Supply                                                        2109.23                              
WR/LJ Rural Water                             Water Supply                                                           1098.75
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned. 
_______________________________________  _____________________________________________
Michelle Meinzer, Finance Officer                            Diana Baeza, President     


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